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Virtually, any Java library out there, whether it's a framework or a library or whatever it might be, you can use it in Kotlin with very little problems. The beautiful thing about Kotlin is it was designed to interoperate with Java as seamlessly as possible. I just want to go through a quick whirlwind tour of some of the bigger players, to give you an idea of what's out there. What I want to do is I want to showcase some of the more prominent non-Android options for Kotlin on the backend. There's so much that Kotlin has to offer on the backend, but never really gets considered for a lot of people. That's a little frustrating for me, a little disappointing, because I personally love Kotlin, obviously, but I've never written a single Android app. The thought of writing non-Android applications in Kotlin just hasn't occurred to a lot of them, because why would they. They've never really written any backend applications. Many of the Kotlin devs I talk to only do Android. I'm one of the co-leaders at the New York City Kotlin meetup. I've been trying to do as much as I can with it ever since. I moved my first big project over to Kotlin in 2015.

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For me, Kotlin was the first language that felt really good enough to migrate all my stuff to. Kotlin, was really the very first language that enticed me away from writing in Java. I'm really excited to see how big it's growing and continues to evolve in some really amazing spaces. I've been a fan of Kotlin for many years now.

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I work on the Quarkus microservice MicroProfile based framework. Lee: Welcome to Kotlin: More than Just Android.

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